£2,500 to get your film project up and running: apply now!

Calling all film-makers. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters without whom this would not have been possible, Trans Media Watch has set up a film bursary, to pay £2,500 for a film by a trans, non-binary, or intersex director in 2024.

The film may be on any subject, in any genre. We are looking for a proposal that demonstrates insight and innovation; that sets before us a film that we would be glad to watch. The only requirement is that it should be under 15 minutes in length, and appropriate for entry in a festival for ‘shorts’.

Who can apply

You may be young or old – because not every trans director is still in the first flush of youth. We will, though, be looking to support projects that demonstrate inclusion and diversity – so a cast and crew that reflect this, beyond just being gender non-conforming.

In addition, you should provide evidence that you are ready to go. We are looking to make an award in November 2024, so you need to provide evidence that you will be ready to go on that date, and to complete work by Summer 2025. You will need to show evidence of a budget, funding in place to cover any spending over and above the award, a script and, at very least, a good idea of who you will be working with.

Is this you? If it is, head on over to https://transmediawatch.org/film-bursary-application-2024 for details of how to apply.

Closing date for applications: 5 November 2024.