Film Bursary Application

If you wish to apply for the Trans Media Watch bursary of £2,500 in 2024/5, please submit an application in the first instance that details the following:

  1. Who are you?
    • Name
    • Address
    • Email contact details
    • Phone no.
    • Organisation (not required, but please state if you have put together a company or other
      body for the purposes of making the film that you are proposing)
    • Experience: please list experience – both personal and in film-making – that you feel are
      especially relevant to the project you are proposing
  2. Outline project
    • What is the nature of the film that you are proposing.
    • What is the broad category in which this film would fall: e.g., drama, comedy, documentary, etc.
    • Please specify:
      • Fiction: a rough outline of the plot;
      • Non-fiction: an outline of the issue to be discussed/investigated and your approach to this issue. If you believe that your investigation will uncover new material facts about the issue, please explain what these are and what your film would contribute;
      • Experimental: explain the main themes and your proposed technique.
    • What do you anticipate this film would take to deliver, in terms of:
      • Cast
      • Crew
      • Overall cost
  3. Readiness
    • What steps have you taken already to move this project forward:
      • Have you put together a budget? Please provide a summary of this.
      • Do you have a script? Is it by yourself or by an independent writer who will be acknowledged as part of the crew?
      • What progress have you made in identifying and recruiting cast and crew to this project? Please provide detail of what has been done to date and where you are now with this.
    • If you receive this funding from Trans Media Watch, will it be sufficient for you to move forward with the project? Or would you need to raise additional funds?
      • How much more would you need?
      • How are you planning to raise this money?Readiness
    • Note: if no additional funding required, please state.
    • When would you be ready to start substantive work (shooting) on this project?
    • Assuming a start date as above, when would you when would you expect to have an initial cut available for viewing?
  4. Diversity and InclusionTrans Media Watch have a clear commitment to providing support for the trans and intersex community. In addition, we believe such support must be intersectional in nature.
    • In what ways would your project contribute to broader diversity and inclusion within the UK film industry?


The film may be on any subject, in any genre. The only requirement is that it should be under 15 minutes in length, and appropriate for entry in a festival for ‘shorts’.

We are looking to make an award in July 2024, so you need to provide evidence that you will be ready to go on that date, and to complete work by the end of 2024.

Payment will be staggered as:

  • 20% for pre-production
  • 70% for production
  • 10% retained for completion and intended to be used for promotional work

Trans Media Watch will use its best endeavours to promote the film that results from this project, including introductions to organisations and networks with which we share values and aims.

We also reserve the right to:

  • Dissociate ourselves from any work, either completed or ongoing, should we feel it is at odds with our core values;
  • Terminate any agreement made as a result of this process should we see evidence that there is little likelihood of a film being produced within the timescales, to the budget or along the lines agreed with the film-maker;
  • Seek repayment of any sums disbursed in the case that we receive evidence that the film-maker has no serious intention of producing a film along the lines or within the budget agreed.

Closing date for applications: 30 June 2024.